Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Episode 7- Mirror's edge 2D game

Hey guys, today we are looking at a game found online.  I did a run-through, the first one is for beginner players.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

New email - episode 6.5

Hey guys,
This is an announcement for my new email, start sending me everything you used to send to my old one, to it.
The new email is:
Thank you very much.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Spoiler for christmas event on RuneScape - Episode 6

Hey guys,
welcome to our sixth episode, here it's just me, and I am just talking about the christmas event in RuneScape. Thanks for watching, this episode is kind of brief, as I had no access to Runescape at the time.
Email me at for ideas on future episodes, requests for being a guest on the show, or money making tips. Thanks for watching!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Stealing creation - Episode 5

Hey guys.
This episode we are looking at the stealing creation minigame, my guests on the show are Gooberly, and Fire Hawk459. The images blur if I don't stand still, sorry about that I had to compact the video, because the file was immense. I got it from 2.3GB to about 67MB.
Thanks to them for being on the show!
If you want to be on the show, or send me a moneymaking tip for me to put on the show: send me an email at, or meet me in-game. Our tip on the show is from Gooberly, It's a tip for regular lower level players, but it still reaps in the cash. Thanks for watching! Expect much more over christmas break, as we will attempt to release at least 5 episodes!!!!!
Music: James Brown is Dead