Sunday, November 23, 2008

Episode 3 barbarian assault

Thank you for downloading my third episode! This one is based on the barbarian assault minigame. I hope you enjoy it. I worked extremely hard to bring this to you.
I will be looking for a co-host to be with me on the show! so if you want to help on the show! This is your chance!
Email me at, and ask about being a co-host.
Be sure to send me your RuneScape username, and I will add you to my friends list!

Special thanks to:
Jagex: for RuneScape (
Flip4mac: for screenflow (
NullSleep: for music (
Steve Jobs: for Apple
Microsoft: for powerpoint
And everyone else who made this podcast possible.
Email me at for ideas on future shows, co-host requests, and other related items.

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